Thursday, 10 January 2019

War on Straw! No more plastic straws!

My new aim for reducing waste was the using less plastic straws. The kids were on board and we still wanted our slushies/frozen cokes on Mondays, so I bought some stainless steel spoons from Ebay.

I kept them in my car - the challenge was to remember to ask them for NO lids and NO straws at the Drive Thru!

Then, when we were out for dinner at Saint Peter, they served us our drinks with Bamboo Straws. I thought that was awesome.

I found them on a cool shopping website, Flora and Fauna.

There are so many things there! I actually bought some stainless steel straws for the car, so we can drink our slushies/frozen drinks.

So I dare you to make the challenge - try and go plastic straw free! The environment will thank you!